News & Press releases

29 Jun 2017

Embracing new forms of payment

Kieran O'Keeffe, Euromat's Secretary General, on alternative forms of payment in his InterGame column. Read the article here....
06 Jun 2017

Frost promises action on electronic payment as he is confirmed as President of EUROMAT

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: 06.06.17 Frost promises action on electronic payment as he is confirmed as President of EUROMAT The Annual General Meeting of the European Gaming and Amusement Federation (held...
02 Jun 2017

Gaming Summit 2017

On June 1st, 500 land-based gaming professionals met to discuss the latest business and regulatory trends that will drive the industry’s future success. With the Summit concluded, it is time to th...
26 May 2017

An unlikely Brexit boost

Kieran O’Keeffe, Euromat’s Secretary General, on athe UK's exit from the EU in his InterGame column. Read the article here....
26 Apr 2017

Squaring the circle

Kieran O’Keeffe, Euromat’s Secretary General, on Brexit in his InterGame column. Read the article here....
26 Mar 2017

Binary choices

Kieran O’Keeffe, Euromat’s Secretary General, on two-speed Europe in his InterGame column. Read the article here....
26 Feb 2017

Keeping the targeted approach

Kieran O’Keeffe, Euromat’s Secretary General, on the anti-money laundering legislation in his InterGame column. Read the article here....
26 Jan 2017

The cookie directive

Kieran O’Keeffe, Euromat’s Secretary General, on the European Commission's regulation on the e-Privacy Directive in his InterGame column. Read the article here....
26 Dec 2016

All change in Europe in 2017

Kieran O’Keeffe, Euromat’s Secretary General, predicting what 2017 will bring to the industry in his InterGame column. Read the article here....
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