
Montenegro Bet

Ul. Bratstva i Jedinstva br. 57
– Podgorica – MONTENEGRO

President : Aleksandar Špadijer

Vice-President/Vice-Chairman: Zoran Milosevic

Secretary General: Tatjana Scepanovic

The goal of “Montenegro Bet” is to improve all standards of operating in the area of games of chance in Montenegro, to raise awareness for the necessity of corporate social responsibility and for the Association “Montenegro Bet”, as a reputable partner and collocutor, to cooperate with authorities in the area of normative regulation of the area of games of chance, and all with the view of approaching European standards of operating in all areas.

Our Association’s main activities are:

  • Donating for flooded and affected areas.
  • Organising the visit and visiting Special Hospital in Belgrade for curing addiction, together with the Public Institution Kakaricka Gora Podgorica. Project title “Sharing regional experiences”.
  • Signing the Protocol on Cooperation between the Association Montenegro Bet and the Public Institution for curing addiction Kakaricka Gora Podgorica. The complete funding of the project “Let games remain games” was done by the Association Montenegro Bet.
  • The beginning of this project was related to promotional posters and flyers pointing out the risks of forming addiction to games of chance and how to prevent it. Promotional materials are displayed in betting offices of Association members, which means in more than 400 facilities all over Montenegro. The flyers include a mini test, where each person, by answering honestly, can assess whether or not they belong to the risk group, as well as the address where they can seek help. So far, over 15,000 flyers with the mini test were distributed to citizens who showed interest, and they are also displayed at each betting window and available to other interested persons, and each facility has a clearly visible poster warning against the dangers of forming addiction to games of chance.
  • We are members of the Working Group for drafting the new Law on Games of Chance, by invitation of the Ministry of Finance of Montenegro
  • We also participated in the Photo-Literary Competition “I’m telling you a story about Podgorica…”, as the general sponsor. This event was organised by the municipality of the Capital City.
  • We regularly attend all events related to the field of social responsibility and the area of games of chance.


We are invited to attend and to give our opinion as participants at all gatherings that relate to the games of chance.