News & Press releases
02 Jun 2017

Gaming Summit 2017

On June 1st, 500 land-based gaming professionals met to discuss the latest business and regulatory trends that will drive the industry’s future success. With the Summit concluded, it is time to thank participants for sharing their views and to reflect on what unites us and what lies ahead.

We are an industry of passionate people and great products, and the concept of offering amusement with modest cash prizes is thriving. Low stakes gaming fulfils an important societal need for entertainment within safe parameters.

While the markets in which we operate have their differences, getting together in Berlin showed us once more that we share similar views on the value we create and the challenges that we face.

Bringing the European industry together at the Summit helps EUROMAT to understand how to better represent its members. Members want to see an association that they identify with and that makes an effort to understand them and their own challenges. This can only be achieved through personal contact and discussion.

I believe that the Summit also represents a good opportunity for companies to anticipate commercial and legislative trends which will shape the markets in which they’re operating. As an operator myself I certainly learned a lot and I think that experience is common to many.

The Summit is also a fantastic advert for the industry. It shows that we’re an engaged and thoughtful group of businesses that are focused on finding solutions to regulatory problems and exchanging best practice for the benefit of our customers.

Thank you once again for joining us and I hope we can welcome you at future EUROMAT events.

Jason Frost, President, Euromat